Healthy Drinking Water

Healthy Drinking Water is often imagined as that pristine mountain spring water. Water untouched by contamination and alive with with properties that are closer match the water that is in your body. These properties include making water alkaline, giving it a slightly negative charge (antioxidant), and with critical minerals. When drinking water matches what is in the cells of your body, it can better hydrate and detoxify. A negative charge helps open the cells to eliminate waste. Truth be told most people don’t have access to these naturally occurring places were this pristine health giving water still exists.

Most people hope that plastic bottles contain it. Assuming, the bottle was actually sourced from healthy water (most is not). If it is then the plastics contaminate it. Further more, the companies bottling water usually destroy the natural aquifers of the environment.

Simple pitcher-type filters typically use carbon and ceramic to make tap water taste better. While common carbon filters are effective against organic contaminants such as pesticides, herbicides, and chemical solvents. They are ineffective against microorganisms and inorganic contaminants. They cannot removeClean Water from the Mountain salts, heavy metals, and only reduce a few of the pollutants in the spectrum of pesticides and industrial wastes.

People realize that the quality of their drinking water is not ideal.

Water can taste like you imagine and provide the same health benefits, read about Reverse Osmosis with Alkaline mineral Filter. This product is included as part of the 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System.

Water quality is one of the most important factors in a healthy ecosystem. Clean water supports a diversity of plants and wildlife. In turn, our actions on land affect the quality of our drinking water. Pollutants, excessive nutrients from fertilizers, and sediment frequently get carried into local lakes and rivers via run-off from urban areas or agricultural fields. Despite our environment growing more toxic, and with many aging municipal water systems. Despite, the fact hundreds of chemical contaminants for which no standards have been established still remains. We must create balance by eliminating as much pollution in our food, air, and water as possible. “We want you to have the best quality water so you have a higher quality life!”

Water’s health benefits have been accepted by medical experts across the globe. It is the most abundant compound present on this earth. The only substance found naturally in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. Water is a vital resource because all life on Earth requires water to exist. Water is the basis of all the biochemistry that goes on in every living organism. Water has an essential role in our body. A loss of just 15% of the body’s total water is a danger to your life.water-health-on body

Up to 60% of the adult male body is water. In some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery at 31%. Without water the body just would not work properly. It only takes days for a person to die without water.

Only water can clean waste products & toxins from the body and brain. If a person does not eliminate waste product, it will result in disease sooner or later. The human body is composed of 100 trillion living cells. Each cell takes in nutrients and discharges its waste products. Water flushes the cells’ waste. The body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion. The body can’t store water and must have fresh supplies every day to perform every metabolic process. This means water must be replaced to meet your body’s needs.

Health benefits of drinking water include:

Maintenance of pH balance, body temperature, metabolism, breathing, heartburn, migraines, gastritis, ulcers, kidney stones, cardiovascular disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, prevention of constipation, backaches and osteoporosis. Water plays an essential role in the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, excretory and nervous systems, along with metabolic reactions, and  prevention of a number of disorders. It is required in excess amounts for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It also plays important roles in kidney function and skin tone.

It is amazing, something so abundant and beautiful as water, is actually a limited and vital resource. There are plentiful articles, news pages, and books dedicated to informing people about the contamination and destruction of Earth’s existence. In fact many people do live as if there is another planet they can just move to when this place is trash.

However, there are enough educated, well-meaning people taking personal responsibility for choices made in their families and businesses to provide a glimmer of hope. We are fortunate to work with some of the most amazing customers, who truly care about the well being of their families and others.

Please take the time to browse the rest of City Water Filter’s website contents. Bring to our attention anything you feel needs to be addressed regarding water quality or eco-friendly products that would serve the City Water Filter philosophy.