Why Not Use a Water Filter Pitcher


Those concerned about drinking Tap Water typically will rely on:

(1) Bottled Water

(2) Refrigerator Filters

(3) Water Filter Pitcher -like Brita Filter

(4) Filling Water Jugs 

(5) Delivered Water

If you are already filtering tap water, then you are on the right track with your Brita or refrigerator filter. The only problem with Brita and Refrigerator Filters is that they are selective about which chemicals are removed and absolutely Do Not remove metals like Arsenic or Fluoride.

Most people use refrigerator filters or other type of PUR/Brita point-of-source type water filters but unfortunately these type of filters merely improve taste and odor. This is the standard of water acceptable for showering not drinking.

The Plastic Water Bottle is the worst source of drinking water

When you drink from plastic water bottles, you are actually drinking plastic. Have you ever been told that you cannot leave your plastic bottles in the sun or let them get hot? The reason is that the plastic will melt into the water. Plastic comes from petroleum, and petroleum causes cancer. The baby boom generation is looking at each other wondering why half of everyone they know has cancer. One of the potential reasons for the epidemic cancer is THEY HAVE BEEN DRINKING TOO WAY MUCH PLASTIC SINCE THE LATE 1980s!!!

Studies have indicated that many consumers are being ripped off due to the expenses of bottled water and in some cases they may end up drinking water that is dirtier than what they can get from their tap. In fact 40% of bottled water is plain tap water.

Plus, bottled water companies set up shop in areas that may have a pristine water source and exhaust the local water supplies (i.e. Nestle).

DSC00389A Reverse Osmosis System has a membrane filter which removes 95-98% of EVERYTHING. The membrane only allows pure water to get through the tiny holes that can even reject salt. Salt is the smallest particle dissolved in water. In fact, Reverse Osmosis filters are the same filters that are used to make ocean water into drinking water! Even if your water was radioactive, you could drink it after it goes through reverse osmosis!! This is the only technology approved by for removal of radioactive isotopes.

A reverse osmosis filter in your kitchen can be healthier and a greener alternative to filling landfills with plastic bottles. So why wouldn’t you want to have your own  reverse osmosis system and bypass the whole bottled water middle-man?

Doctors recommend that their cancer patients drink reverse osmosis water because it helps to remove toxins from your body. Many athletes including Olympic athletes choose reverse osmosis water. If you get your water at the WaterMill or the Water Stores, then it is likely you are drinking pure reverse osmosis water that lacks minerals and is acidic.

CITY WATER FILTER has minimum standard to installBIOCERA alkaline filter on the reverse osmosis system. BIOCERA is considered the best alkaline filter on the market. They actually function like a water ionizer but without the expensive machine to do the work. Go to http://www.biocera.com/customer-support/faq.html to learn more.