Not-So-Fun Facts about Fluoride

Did you know?

  1. Fluoride does not actually prevent cavities. See study.
  2. Fluoride Supplements Have Never Been Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)!
  3. The FDA admits there are NO reliable studies, conducted under ethical research guidelines, to prove the benefits of fluoride supplementation.
  4. FDA Told the Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs. See petition.
  5.  The “EPA has been served with a petition that includes more than 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing the risks of water fluoridation to human health.
  6. Fluoride is the same chemical that can be used as a Pesticide and Used to Kill Rats.
  7. Only about 1/2 of the fluoride to enter your body will leave? It becomes associated with hard tissues. See ADA Fluoridation facts.  Fluoride settles in the body were there is calcium. National Academy Of Sciences (NAS) stated in 1977 that, for the average individual, a retention of 2mg fluoride/day would result in crippling skeletal fluorosis after 40 years.
  8. If you have cereal with milk and a Coke, you have overdosed on fluoride. You have exceeded the American Dental Association’s recommended daily dose by 230%  (0.7 – 1.2 parts per million).
  9. Most fluoride that is added to municipal water is an unnatural form of fluoride.  Sodium Fluoride (NaF) is over 80 times more toxic than naturally-occurring calcium fluoride. The lethal dose of NaF is 50 times smaller than that of Calcium Fluoride CaF2 (a naturally-occurring fluoride).
  10. Fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic.  The federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for lead is 15 parts per billion (ppb), 10 ppb for arsenic but 4,000 ppb for fluoride
  11. A former US EPA senior scientist William Hirzy published a peer reviewed risk analysis in 2016. He followed the EPA risk assessment guidelines to report: “indicates there may be no actual safe level of exposure to fluoride”.  The data showed intake in excess of about 0.05 mg of fluoride daily may result in depressed intellectual capability.   
  12. Current federal guidelines encourage the addition of fluoride chemicals into water supplies to reach 0.7 milligrams per liter.
  13. Infertility in women was found to increase with water fluoridation. FDA scientists reported a close correlation between decreasing total fertility rates in women between ages of 10 and 49, and increasing fluoride levels.They also reported that a review of all of the animal studies done to date shows that fluoride adversely affects fertility in most animal species
  14. Fluoride is more toxic to shower or bathe in! Fluoride can be absorbed by skin, bypassing the gut and go straight into the bloodstream. See this post.
  15. It’s been called the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Chemical chart.
  16. Fluoride is used in 20-25% of pharmaceuticals to make them halogenated? See Wikipedia Article.
  17. Fluoride causes brain damage and effect IQ? See Harvard Article.
  18. In 1997 there were more than 80 references available linking Fluoride to cancer. However, EPA does not officially acknowledge the link.
  19. Fluoride Is Linked To The Leading Cause of Death. A study published in Nuclear Medicine Communications Journal has concluded that increased uptake of fluoride in arteries may be associated with an increased cardiovascular risk.
  20. Fluoride is so corrosive that  storage facilities have bunker built around them?
  21. Tea leaves accumulate more fluoride (from pollution of soil and air) than any other edible plant thanks to chemical fertilizers.
  22. USDA Organic Has Allowed Fluoride To Contaminate The Organic Label. This highly toxic substance has been allowed for use in the National Organic Standards (NOS) program
  23. In November 2003, the United States passed the Water Act, which made it Impossible for Water Companies to undergo civil or criminal hearings as a result of adding fluoride to public water supplies. Why prevent legal action on something that is supposedly beneficial? If it is harmless then any proceeding would be thrown out of court.